ugh not another lifestyle blog

I know, I know. WTF. But before you click away and resolve to unfollow me for joining every other person in LA who runs a blog, let me at least explain.

Blogging is just another word for sharing, and sharing has always been something I love to do, in spite of my actual introverted nature. As a photographer for a decade, the visual appeal of blogs has always been huge. And while Instagram is great for offering off-the-cusp content, and YouTube is great for sharing vlogs, video, and longer talks, blogs are still amazing for serving up useful information (and fine… really pretty pictures too). And above all, I aim to serve you all. Without the presence of a solid blog and directory I haven’t really been able to.

TheHomebodyDiva will be a place for me to expand on outfit + home good deets y’all are always asking me for, and to share my fav recipes, and best/worst life experiences. It’s also a place where I’ll share those articles that I have been writing in my head for months, aimed at the everyday diva: the kind of gal who has endless passions but enjoys lounging in her PJs with her cat 90% of the time, every now and then stepping out to greet the world with a really amazing red lip and pair of stilettos, only to be like, “Ok. This has been fun but I’ve had enough of your nonsense,” and promptly proceeds to head back home to organize her pantry.

I’ve always felt like I straddled these two worlds as an introverted-extrovert: a sassy diva meets a shy shut-in. It’s not simple to be mercurial in a world that’s constantly trying to put you in a box. I’m sure you can probably relate, right? Because human beings are not just one thing. And I’m totally ok with being an opera singing model who is passionate about body positivity, lifestyle, and a million other things, and I hope that by sharing my own perfectly imperfect journey, I can inspire other women to define their own.

I may not align with your average influencer who appears to have their shit together, jet-setting around Positano and wearing a new outfit in every single Insta post. (I started #InstaReal on my stories for a reason and I am not ashamed to admit I wear black leggings most days.) But… I have this feeling you can probably relate with all of the above too, in which case let’s make some dorky laminate badges and sit together! Elle


Elle is a multi-passionate opera singer, plus size model and blogger living in Los Angeles whose mission is to help women develop heightened peace with their bodies and food, and connecting with them over fashion, travel, relationships, mental wellness, cooking, and everything else in between.

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